Wednesday, October 23, 2013

50 Lbs = 10 lbs in 1 month

Well it's exactly one month since I reached 40 pounds. And today I weighed in and I had officially lost 50 lbs. 

I've never lost that much weight in my life. I have put it on easily. But I  am so excited at this loss. 

I'm going to need to up my weight training. I'm starting to really worry about firming my skin. I'm figuring I may need some surgery but I want to avoid it as much as possible  

I'm very open to toning exercises if anyone has any suggestions. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Success.. Is running out of a change room in skinny jeans

While here in the USA on my travels I had in my head that I at least I wanted to go home with a new pair of jeans.

So today while shopping in Macy's I went by the Levi jeans. Well I though what the hell ill give it a go (I haven't fit into Levi jeans since I was 16)

Well..... I came running out of the change rooms slapping my butt yelling 
"They fit they fit!"

I nearly cried. My mum had tears in her eyes.

So now I'm the proud owner of two pairs of Levi skinny jeans.

The best day of my skinny life!