Wednesday, June 11, 2014

100lbs in 10 months

Now that is more than I ever expected. 

I only ever wanted to get below 100kg and now I'm so far from that old image of me that I almost forget what it was like to be obese. 

Best day of my life. 

Best decision of my life. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Crazy is the last 2 months.

I honestly can't complain. But I've had more happen to me in the last two months than most years. 

April- fainted due to low iron. 
(My family telling me I have to eat) 

May- iron infusion to correct low iron
(My family telling me I still have to eat more) 

June- started to TTC again (thrilled about this one)

June- dad telling my husband that he has to feed me every two hours. We crack up. 

June- car accident. 

No one was seriously hurt. My car was the meat in the middle of a car sandwich. I just thank god I took the SUV out and not the little Lexus because I'm sure that is what saved me from being seriously hurt. 
The car behind me basically went under my car after the lady In front of me stopped suddenly on a very busy road. 

But next month is going to be awesome. My amazing dad and mum brought my DH, brother and SIL a trip to Phuket. He paid for flights and 7 nights at a luxury resort. We can't wait to get away. I am blessed with an amazing family.